By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)
WOW (Women Of Wrestling)
Taped in October 10-11, 2018 in Los Angeles, California at Belasco Theater
Aired February 1, 2019 on on AXS-TV
WOW opened with a recap of last week’s show… A video package aired on Faith The Lioness. It showed her dancing and she spoke about recording her own entrance theme. She said she got her black belt in taekwondo at age seven and it eventually led to wrestling… The broadcast team of Stephen Dickey, David McLane, and EZ Rider was finally shown on camera, and the ring announcer was Shaul Guerrero…
1. The Beast vs. Faith The Lioness. Faith sang her entrance song and danced with two women. The Beast went on the offensive with a powerslam. Faith performed an enzuigiri and went on a late flurry before The Beast powerbombed and pinned her. After the match, The Beast told McLane to keep lining them up and she will keep breaking them…
The Beast defeated Faith The Lioness.
Powell’s POV: Faith’s entrance was a bit too much for this traditionalist, but I feel the same way about Naomi’s entrance in WWE and people seem to like it. The Beast is the wrestler that McLane seemed highest on when I interviewed him for the Pro Wrestling Boom podcast. He envisioned her as a heel character, but the crowd took to her and they called an audible. I’m not a big fan of her basic name, but she is a straight forward wrestler with a good look.
A shot aired of The Disciplinarian and Samantha Smart walking in a hallway. Disciplinarian had a “discipline” paddle. Smart said she heard someone likes to play with fire and that is not smart… [C]
2. The Disciplinarian (w/Samantha Smart) vs. Fire. McLane noted that Smart is his former assistant. McLane noted that Fire went against the wishes of her parents by becoming a pro wrestler. He also said her parents were in attendance and are now proud of the daughter. Smart hit Fire’s hand with a ruler while the referee was distracted. Later, Disciplinarian performed a nice neckbreaker for a two count. Disciplinarian hoisted up Fire on her shoulders only for Fire to slip out and roll her up for the pin…
Fire defeated The Disciplinarian.
After the match, McLane interviewed Fire in the ring. She yelled that she feels on fire. McLane introduced Fire as the new sensation of WOW and held her arm up…
Powell’s POV: Fire is the talented Kiera Hogan from Impact Wrestling. She has the best character of the bunch in WOW thus far and she was featured in a strong vignette on episode one that showcased it well. She inexplicably lost her match on the first show, so it was good to see her bounce back in this match. The Disciplinarian is an evil teacher gimmick. Meh. The one dimensional gimmicks don’t do anything for this viewer.
Razor of the Psycho Sisters spoke about how they are on their way to wearing gold. She said Chantilly Chella is fast and athletic, but it won’t prepare her for the onslaught… [C]
3. Chantilly Chella vs. Fury (w/Razor). Chella’s entrance showed dance and beach scenes, so she’s a party girl. She offer Fury a handshake and was shoved down and punched. McLane noted that Hollidead will appear next week, and Stephy Slays will face Jessie Jones. Chella performed a top rope cross body block for a two count. Fury came back with a nice spinebuster. Chella threw a spinning kick and had Fury pinned, but Razor put her partner’s foot on the ropes. Fury performed the Flight of Fury finisher and scored the pin.
Fury beat Chantilly Chella.
Powell’s POV: An entertaining match. Chella works as Ray Lyn and has done some enhancement work for WWE and Impact Wrestling.
McLane hyped the main event… [C] Footage aired from a past season of WOW. The narrator said it all began with a misunderstanding over a limo and ice cream being spilled (on a dress). Yes, really. Footage aired of Abilene Maverick throwing Khloe Hurtz into a pool and warning her to stay away from her boyfriend Preston. There was a “rats match” with the rules that if Maverick won then she would select Texas rats to service her, whereas if Hurts won then she would get to use Maverick’s boyfriend as her personal ring rat. Maverick won the match and introduced new ring rats that were not to Hurtz’s liking…
Powell’s POV: I didn’t come away from that amazing story of a misunderstanding over a limo and spilled ice cream with any sense of who viewers are supposed to side with.
Footage aired of Tessa Blanchard leaving a hotel and being approached by WOW cameras. She said she only cares about Santana Garrett because has the WOW Championship. She said she may have jumped the gun by grabbing Garrett’s father, but had she not done that then Jungle Grrrl would have defeated Garrett. Blanchard said she cost Grrrl the title because she snapped. She said she’s happy she snapped and regrets nothing because her actions got the attention of the wrestling world…
4. Khloe Hurtz (w/Ring Rats) vs. Abilene Maverick. The ring rats are a group of shirtless men. Hurtz impressively picked up Maverick on her shoulders and performed multiple squats to show off her power at one point. McLane noted that Hollidead will face Azteca next week. Late in the match, Maverick applied a Boston crab. The rats pushed the bottom rope forward and Hurtz eventually reached it to break the hold. Hurtz came back with a bad tornado DDT and scored the pin…
Khloe Hurtz beat Abilene Maverick.
McLane hyped the return of WOW Champion Santana Garrett for next week…
Powell’s POV: Okay, so Hurtz is the babyface, and I assume her having male rats is similar to Godfather and his ho’s back in the day. WOW pulled back on the Santana Garrett and Tessa Blanchard feud this week. Blanchard delivered her promo, but we didn’t get anything new from Garrett. While I understand the need to not overexpose the feud and to give other wrestlers a chance to shine, their feud has been the early highlight of the series and the show suffered without it. This felt like the least eventful of the three shows to air thus far. I came away questioning whether WOW would have been better off hitting the reset button once they started on AXS rather than continuing their past storylines, as I just don’t get the feeling that they had a big following. It’s tricky, though, as AXS only committed to eight episodes out of the gate, so I can understand not wanting to scrap the show’s history if there’s no guarantee they will be staying on AXS long term. It just felt like the show needed something in the main event slot that was built up during the first two AXS shows rather than going with a program from a past season.
Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom with Jason Powell and his guest Rich Bocchini (f/k/a Rich Brennan) discussing Saturday’s MLW SuperFight, working for Michael Cole in WWE, his trial by fire in NXT, and much more.
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