Who is the most intelligent person in Harry Potter?

February 2024 · 6 minute read


Throughout the Harry Potter series, Albus Dumbledore, the beloved Headmaster of Hogwarts, proved time and time again that he was the smartest hero of the Wizarding World. His magic was so strong and his knowledge so extensive that he was the only wizard Voldemort was said to be afraid of.

Who was the smartest in Harry Potter?

1. Albus Dumbledore. Image via Warner Bros.

Who is smarter Harry or Hermione?

In each installment of the Harry Potter series, Hermione Granger is the smartest of the trio. She has the best academic memory, highest grades, and always expanding her knowledge. However, it is Hermione's logic and by-the-book mentality that allows Harry to surpass her.

Who is the smartest after Hermione?

(1) Hermione Granger. She had the best grades, knew the most, and could cast spells far above her age (e.g. the Protean Charm). (2) Percy Weasley.

Who is the smartest in Gryffindor?

Harry Potter: 10 Prolific Gryffindors, Ranked By Intelligence

Top 10 Most Intelligent Harry Potter Characters (RANKED)

Who is the best student in Hogwarts?

Harry Potter: The Best Students At Hogwarts Ranked By Their...

  • 1 John Dawlish.
  • 2 Percy Weasley. ...
  • 3 Hermione Granger. ...
  • 4 Harry Potter. ...
  • 5 Ron Weasley. ...
  • 6 Neville Longbottom. ...
  • 7 Seamus Finnigan. ...
  • 8 Draco Malfoy. ...
  • Are Slytherin intelligent?

    Slytherin. Slytherin is clever/cunning/ambitious and Ravenclaw is wise/resourceful/intelligent.

    Who is a better wizard Harry or Draco?

    When it comes to actual ability as a wizard, a case can certainly be made that Draco Malfoy is more talented than Harry. The only thing that Potter beats Draco at is his flying ability on a broomstick, but even then Draco pushes him all the way.

    Who is the most famous wizard in Harry Potter?

    According to his Chocolate Frog card, Albus Dumbledore – Hogwarts Headmaster and Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, among other accolades – is 'the greatest wizard of modern times'.

    Is Ron smarter than Hermione?

    Of the characters in the trio, Hermione is seen as the smartest because she does great at school and is a skilled witch, but Harry is seen as having a lot of intellectual ability, too. Overall, fans view Ron as the least smart of the three.

    What is the IQ of Emma Watson?

    Emma watson: iq of 138 | MARCA English.

    Is Voldemort intelligent?

    voldemort was intelligent and brilliant, but he was not intelligent enough to think of building a secret chamber right in the middle of the Sahara desert (or any remote place in the world) full of deadly and dangerous traps, and put all his horcruxes inside, and then close the chamber using 14 doors, 7 in which they ...

    Who is smarter Dumbledore or Hermione?

    Hermione was cleverer than Dumbledore when was still just a child, never mind when she was an actual adult and his equal.

    Is Hermione the smartest witch?

    In the Harry Potter series, Hermione is seen as one of the smartest characters in the books. Given her age, she's often talked about as the smartest witch in her grade and viewed as being much smarter than her peers.

    Who is the coolest wizard?

    5 Coolest Wizards in Fantasy

  • 1 – Harry Dresden.
  • 2 – Gandalf. ...
  • 3 – Dairine Callahan. ...
  • 4 – Raistlin Majere. ...
  • 5 – Severus Snape. The Harry Potter books are full of great wizards, but only one of them walked the tightrope of loyalty between Albus Dumbledore and He Who Shall Not Be Named. ...
  • Who is the strongest wizard?

    1 Albus Dumbledore

    He was revered and respected for his magic and commanding energy, as well as personal strength. It was truly due to Dumbledore's planning that Voldemort died, even if Harry was the one to cast the killing blow because Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard in the entire series.

    What's the strongest spell in Harry Potter?

    Most powerful spells in Harry Potter

    Who is the weakest wizard?

    Although he was intelligent and bookish, Quirinus Quirrell was the weakest of the Hogwarts professors—mostly due to his extremely timid nature. He taught the Muggle Studies course for several years before going in search of the vanquished Voldemort.

    Who is stronger Harry or Voldemort?

    No, Voldemort was definitely more powerful - but that's the entire point. Harry's beating him because of the elder wand (and every other time he escaped Voldemort) was pure luck, luck that came about through the support of Dumbledore, Hermione, Ron, and everyone else in his life.

    Who is stronger Harry or Hermione?

    Harry achieves a higher mark in their Defense Against The Dark Arts O.W.L., but Hermione grades higher in every other lesson. This includes Charms, Potions, and Transfiguration, all complicated methods of magic capable of overwhelming Harry's defensive skills.

    Are Gryffindors smart?

    There's nothing to say you can't be highly intelligent and a Gryffindor. Albus Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger – these are arguably some of the cleverest witches and wizards to exist in the wizarding world and they are all Gryffindors.

    Are Ravenclaws smart?

    Intensely intelligent, Ravenclaws are also unique and think outside the box. This is usually a good thing, unless by 'thinking outside the box' you mean stealing other wizards' stories and erasing their memories, like a certain Ravenclaw called Gilderoy Lockhart.

    Is Sherlock Slytherin or Ravenclaw?

    Sherlock Holmes – Ravenclaw

    It's no surprise that the consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes, belongs in Ravenclaw House with his vast intelligence (in subjects he deems important), high regard for knowledge and logic, and impressive deductive skills.

    Who is the best student in Gryffindor?

    Harry Potter: The Best Students In Gryffindor Ranked By Their...

    Who was the most talented student at Hogwarts?

    Harry Potter: The Most Powerful Hogwarts Students, Officially...

  • 1 Albus Dumbledore.
  • 2 Merlin. ...
  • 3 Tom Riddle/Voldemort. ...
  • 4 Severus Snape. ...
  • 5 Minerva McGonagall. ...
  • 6 Bellatrix Lestrange. ...
  • 7 Theseus Scamander. ...
  • 8 Remus Lupin. ...
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