Top 40 Travis Etienne-inspired fantasy football names to explore

June 2024 · 5 minute read

Jacksonville Jaguars running back Travis Etienne is coming into his third year in the NFL with a chip on his shoulder. The Jaguars selected the Clemson Tigers alum in the first round of the 2021 Draft.

Etienne was primed to feature in the Jaguars backfield but missed his rookie season with a Lisfranc injury. Hence, he had his genuine rookie season in 2022, playing as a multipurpose back for the Trevor Lawrence-led franchise. Etienne showed his potential last season, finishing with 220 carries for 1,125 rushing yards, five rushing TDs, and 35 receptions for 316 receiving yards.

He benefits from a sophisticated offense in Jacksonville that uses running backs as dual threats rather than mere bruising RBs. These have let him rack up yards in the air and on the ground. Furthermore, his franchise QB, Trevor Lawrence, knows when to hand over the rock and when he has to let it fly.

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Per Fantasy Pros, Etienne finished the 2022 fantasy regular season tied for fifth in carries inside the ten-yard line (23), but he only scored four TDs on those carries.

2023 should be an exciting season for fantasy football team owners with Etienne in their lineup.

Best Travis Etienne-inspired fantasy football names for your team

A stellar fantasy football team deserves a befitting fantasy team name. Furthermore, dominant rushing threats like Travis Etienne usually have variations of their names used as fantasy name tags.

Also Read: 500+ Funny Fantasy Football Team Names 2023

Here’s a list of Travis Etienne fantasy football names for 2023, artfully curated from “Ranker,” “Bleacher Nation,” and Yours Truly.

  • ET Don’t Go Home
  • ET the Jet
  • Et tu, Brute?
  • Etienne & the Beast Mode
  • Etienne Dynamite
  • Etienne Enchantments
  • Etienne’s Elusive Entourage
  • Etienne’s End Zone Extravaganza
  • Etienne’s End Zone Shenanigans
  • Etienne’s Fantasy Feast
  • Etienne’s Fantasyland
  • Etienne’s Merry Men
  • Etienne’s Party Train
  • Etienne’s Touchdown Train
  • Etienne's Extraordinaire
  • Etienne’s Touchdown Escapades
  • Etienne-tion
  • Gridiron Gurus with Travis
  • Heat Lightning
  • Is This Real ET? Or Just Fantasy?
  • The Blazin’ Cajun
  • The Etienne Dynamite Show
  • The Etienne Express
  • The Etienne Express
  • The Etienne Plane
  • The Touchdown Travesties
  • Travis and the Jax Pack
  • Travis’ Elusive Emissaries
  • Travis’ Fantasy Fanatics
  • Travis’ Gridiron Greats
  • Travis’ Takedown Team
  • Travis’ Tantalizing Troopers
  • Travis’ Terrific Titans
  • Travis’ Fantasy Fleet
  • Travis’ Tackling Torpedoes
  • Travis’ Tailback Tornadoes
  • Travis’ Touchdown Troupe
  • Travis’ Touchdown Wizards
  • Travis’ Turbocharged Team
  • Travisty and the Touchdowns
  • Also Read: Inappropriate NFL fantasy football team names to consider before 2023 season

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