Transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox has been widely targeted by a large section of people who are against trans athletes competing with cisgender women.
While the actual debate continues to take the world of sports by storm, Fox has often bore the brunt of it with false news being repeatedly circulated about her. Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy recently joined the bandwagon of people spreading misinformation about Fox.
Ramaswamy posted a clip of Fox scoring a knockout and claimed that the trans athlete broke her opponent's skull. He also drew attention to the post-fight interview where Fox's voice sounded unnaturally manly. The Republican wrote:
"A biological man fractures a woman’s skull. We used to call this violence against women. Now we call it a victory for trans rights. Listen to the “woman’s” voice at the end. The trans cult is a mental health epidemic in our country and it needs to stop."Both Fallon Fox and Reuters have confirmed that the voice clip at the end of the video has been electronically altered to sound like a man's. 'Queen of Swords' wrote:
"Not even my voice. This guy calls himself a presidential candidate @VivekGRamaswamy"The trans MMA fighter also posted a video comparing it to the original clip of her own voice.
Transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox responds to allegations of breaking her opponent's skull
Vivek Ramaswamy accused Fallon Fox of breaking her opponent's skull in the aforementioned clip. Fox dismissed the allegations, claiming to have knocked her out with a straight forward knee. The trans fighter told Reuters:
“Her ‘skull’ was not broken. She suffered a direct knee to the chin which caused a K.O...The voice in the video was indeed digitally altered.”Reuters also confirmed that the fight in question was against Ericka Newsome on March 2, 2013 and ended in 39 seconds. While Fox has been accused of fracturing her opponent's skull in the past, the fighter in question was one Tamikka Brents.
Fallon Fox also got knocked out by a cisgender female fighter later that year.
However, 'Queen of Swords' denies having fractured any skulls at all. Fox claimed to have only broken her opponent's orbital bone, which she claims is pretty breakable anyway. Fox added:
“It is very easy to break and happens often in MMA."A clip of Fallon Fox and former UFC fighter Kay Hansen was also recently circulated on social media, claiming Fox broke Hansen's skull. However, the two have never met inside a cage.
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