Chris Rock jaundice speculation emerges in wake of Netflix Selective Outrage special

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Chris Rock recently appeared on Netflix’s first global streaming event for his comedy special, Selective Outrage.

The show was filmed in Baltimore and focused on the comedian pacing the stage with his signature stance, sharing jokes comprising of a series of topics ranging from "wokeness" to the infamous Will Smith Oscar slap incident.

Rock opened his set with a disclaimer, containing a subtle hint towards Smith’s slap:

“I’m going to try to do a show tonight without offending nobody. I’m going to try my best, because you never know who might get triggered. People always say words hurt… anybody who says words hurt has never been punched in the face.”

Speaking on the prevalent “woke” culture, Chris Rock referred to the title of his special, saying:

“I have no problem with the wokeness. I have no problem with it at all. I’m all for social justice. I’m all for marginalized people getting their rights. The thing I have a problem with is the selective outrage.”

He also addressed the modern-day "cancel culture" and said:

“You know what I’m talking about. One person does something, they get canceled. Somebody else does the exact same thing, nothing… the kind of people who play Michael Jackson songs but won’t play R. Kelly. Same crime, one of them just has better songs.”

The comedian also took a jab at America’s division during his set:

“America is in horrible shape right now. We got it worse than Ukraine. Yeah, I said it. You know why? Because Ukraine is united and America is clearly divided. If the Russians came here right now, half the country would say, ‘Let’s hear them out.’ We’re in a bad place right now.”

Rock also delved into including jokes about addiction, abortion, racism, Meghan Markle, the Kardashian family and his own romantic life during the first 50 minutes of the show.

He saved the final 10 minutes of the special addressing the Oscars slap and ripped into Will Smith and his wife Jada:

“You all know what happened to me, getting smacked by Suge Smith. It still hurts. I got ‘Summertime’ ringing in my ears. But I’m not a victim, baby. You’ll never see me on Oprah or Gayle crying… I took that hit like Pacquiao.”

The comedian also addressed people who asked him about not responding to the slap last year:

“‘How come you didn’t do nothing back that night?’ Because I got parents. You know what my parents taught me? Don’t fight in front of White people.”

Rock also suggested that Smith’s slap in response to his Oscars joke about Jada Pinkett Smith was more about their personal relationship than the former’s joke.

He even said that he watched Will Smith’s new period drama Emancipation because he liked seeing him getting “whooped” on screen.

While Chris Rock’s jokes became a major topic of discussion on social media, some people noticed his appearance and claimed that the comedian had a yellow hue on his face and body.

This further led to speculation about Rock possibly having jaundice, with fans hoping that he was “doing okay”:

During the show, Rock wore an all-white ensemble consisting of a T-shirt and jeans. He also wore a bracelet and a necklace with the Prince symbol.

Twitter shares concern over Chris Rock’s health amid jaundice speculation

Netizens share concern over Chris Rock appearing yellow on Netflix Special (Image via Getty Images)

Fans of Chris Rock recently shared concerns about his appearance on the Netflix special Selective Outrage and claimed that the comedian’s face and eyes had a yellow hue.

This sparked speculation about Rock having possibly jaundice, with many social media users taking to Twitter to share their theories:

As speculation continues to pour in online, it remains to be seen if Chris Rock will respond to the theories surrounding his health and share an update on the same.

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