Lady Gagas music video for Born This Way: cracked-out or just terrible?

March 2024 · 1 minute read


Jesus. H. Christ. I wish I could just throw this video up with a “no comment.” Because… I just watched the first 60 seconds of Lady Gaga’s music video, and all I’ve got is… um… “So, Gaga dropped five sugarcubes of acid and watched A Clockwork Orange and 2001: A Space Odyssey for, like, 24 hours straight, and this is what happened.” The actual music starts around the 2:45 mark, but you’ll want to watch everything before that, just to tell your kids that “Yes, I too knew of The Gaga.”

All of the little mutant baby Gagas! OH NOES!!!

I mean, at what point are we just going to say, “Bitch is coked out of her mind”? Devil horns? Bangs trauma? Goo-covered baby Gagas?

Sigh… I’m kind of over Gaga. She’s really trying too hard. Way too hard.


