Passion for Pickles
“Pickles is my thing.”
The Good Life
"My ultimate dream is to move to Jersey, find a nice juiced, hot, tanned guy and live my life.”
Her Bleeding Heart
"I came home when they were putting in the lobsters, I was like ‘Yo, are those real? That's disgusting.’ I'm a vet tech. Like, I save animals, I don't kill them.”
Don’t Get It Twisted
"It wasn't, like, sexual, it's f**king house music.”
Ignorance Is Bliss?
Sammi: “I just feel like I don't know.”
Snooki: “I know how you feel.”
Keepin’ It Real
"If you want to make out with me, just ask… I will say yes.”
Like Family? Ew
"[Vinny's] like my big brother, I love him.. but usually you don't have sex with your big brother.”
Just FYI
"I’m not trashy, unless I drink too much.”
Stay in School, Folks
"Word of the day: sympathetic. That’s a big word.”
Snooki: "It hurts my vagina.”
The Situation: “OK, come down.”
Snooki: “No, no, I like it!”
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