Inside Jenna Bush Hager's Wild Past

April 2024 · 2 minute read

Whenever someone runs loose on the grounds of the White House, the Secret Service treats it like a major security breach. But in one such instance that involved Jenna Bush, the results turned out to be something out of a movie. When Jenna finally became an item with Henry Hager — who had become an aide to Karl Rove, one of George W. Bush's advisors — a night of bar-hopping eventually led to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. "At one point, my parents were travelling and I was staying there," she said on "Today." "And we had gone out to the bars, and like all relationships do, they reached a certain level." She skipped the intimate details. The next morning, Hager freaked out that he was in the residence of Jenna's father, who was his employer. He frantically put on his clothes, rushed out of the bedroom, dashed out of the White House, and rattled the main gate to hail someone to let him leave the property. 

"Well, he was caught, that was the problem," said Jenna to Andy Cohen. "But as he says it ... they're supposed to keep people from coming in. They're not looking for people that are going out, especially like a 26-year-old, you know, in the night before a close." Fortunately, no charges were pressed. "[The Secret Service's] job wasn't to make sure I wasn't, you know, hooking up," Jenna added.
