Complaint: FedEx Kenya and Delta Handling are not what they claim to be

January 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Kenyans buying goods online from international markets have had to grapple with delayed goods, lost goods and bad customer service.

FedEx is accused of being the master in delaying bought products.

Hello Cyprian,

There seems to be a serious problem with FedEx courier. Let anyone who thinks of using FedEx courier to avoid it as much as possible as they will regret deeply.

It is supposed to be an international courier but their Kenya office has the worst business practice that one can ever experience.

FedEx asks clients to pay customs clearance fees to Delta Handling services. Once Delta Handling receives the money, they will not respond to your call of or email of inquiry.

My International parcel received through their JKIA office has taken 3 months to clear and now I am forced to find other means to clear yet and yet I paid all the prerequisite fees to FedEx.

At the FedEx offices at JKIA, there are queues of people complaining about non delivery of parcels, some having stayed for over 4 months without clearance. Yet they are not bothered at all.

FedEx Kenya and Delta handling need to be exposed so that members of the public may be aware that FedEx Courier is not what they claim to be.
